Faith & Inspiration brought to you by LoveBIG, LiveBig - Jennifer J Hayes

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Kayla Keena
Tips for Finding Calm In the Chaos of Life The winds of constant change can leave you stranded. Here’s how to embrace zen habits and find collective calm in the rapid pace of modern life.

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Kayla Keena
Small Donations You Can Make That Have a Big Impact Even the smallest gesture can make a huge difference. Here are a few small ways you can give back to your community that will have a big impact.

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LoveBIG, LiveBig - Jennifer J Hayes
Never Give Up On Love Death, divorce, and failed relationships are extremely difficult to recover from, and it’s understandable why so many people are tempted to give up on the possibility of finding happiness again.

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LoveBIG, LiveBig - Jennifer J Hayes
Top 10 things you need when it comes to setting resolutions for love The start of a calendar year triggers reflection and resolutions from the masses, and it should. Periods for resolution and change happen regularly throughout the year, but the blank slate feeling that the new year brings is like no other.

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This 10-Minute Routine Will Increase Your Clarity And Creativity - Benjamin P. Hardy “Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake, and while you sleep.” — Napoleon Hill

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LoveBIG, LiveBig - Jennifer J Hayes
Relationship Potential at 50 Dating at any age can be challenging however once you reach 50 and you’re looking for something serious, you don’t want to waste your time “just seeing” a guy who’s not a good long-term match.

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A Man is Standing in My Yard! Life presents opportunities to #BeAmazing, will you look for the chance to do something amazing for someone else today?

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The Fun Crew
Helping LOCALS: Sitting down with Kalena Bovell Kalena Bovell is the assistant conductor at Memphis Symphony Orchestra, we sit-down to talk with her about Covid-19, Black Lives Matter, and her personal story.

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The Kelly Price Project
WWII veteran Jonas Bender, one of first black US Marines, dies at 94 A visitation will be held today for World War II veteran Jonas Bender who was one of the first African Americans to join the U.S. Marines. "At the time of his draft, the Marine Corps was an unequal and segregated institution," according to his obituary. "He trained at the segregated Montford Point in North Carolina and went on to serve in the Pacific as a radar operator during the war." Bender, 94, of Yellow Springs, passed away on May 30. He was drafted at age 18 and served as a Montford Point Marine from 1943 to 1946. Jonas was among 200 surviving Montford Point Marines to be honored for their service in 2012 when they were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. "The central thing about all this is that the Marine Corps didn't really want us, didn't believe we could do the job and grudgingly moved every step of the way," Bender said when he was profiled in a column by News-Sun columnist Tom Stafford a couple months before the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony. Bender told Stafford

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The Fun Crew
The Petco Foundation & Victoria Stilwell Positively Honor Unsung Heroes With Lifesaving Grants And Heartwarming Video Series ANIMAL LOVERS CAN HELP VOTE FOR 2020 NATIONAL UNSUNG HERO TO HELP THEM EARN AN ADDITIONAL $50,000 TO SUPPORT THEIR LIFESAVING WORK

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JR Robinson
My moms battle with COVID19 & Breast Cancer Nancy Nguyen is organizing this fundraiser, the #JustMy team had to share this story!

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The Fun Crew
Detroit Pistons And Detroit Youth Choir Honor Health Care Workers With Stirring Rendition Of Pistons Legends Join Nationally Recognized Youth Choir in Show of Support for Doctors, Nurses and Others on the Front Lines of COVID-19 Crisis

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The Fun Crew
Wisconsin Married Couple with COVID-19 Discharged from Hospital on the Same Day Both Admitted to the ICU with COVID-19 in March, Discharged Together on April 17

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Inspiring High School Football Docu-Series, 4th and Forever: Muck City, on Thursday, May 14 Series Follows Rival High School Football Programs That Have Produced Dozens of NFL Stars

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The Fun Crew
34 Rules to Teach Your Son! We don't know who wrote this, our friend Chef Jeremiah shared this and we wanted everyone with a son to see it!

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Comedian Michael Che pays rent for 160 NYC residents | GMA The “Saturday Night Live” star said his grandmother died of COVID-19 and he wanted to honor her memory by paying the rents of residents living at the housing complex where she once lived.

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Law of Attraction Coaching
GOING THROUGH TOUGH TIMES - 2020 Motivational Speech - YouTube GOING THROUGH TOUGH TIMES - 2020 Motivational Speech ►Copyright disclaimer: We own commercial licenses and permissions for all the content used in this video...

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Mel Robbins
STOP searching for your passion and do this instead | Mel Robbins - YouTube Looking for your passion? If you find it, congrats! For many, the idea of searching for your passion causes more stress and concern over the future than nece...

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Tony Robbins
Being Resilient During Uncertain Times | Tony Robbins - YouTube In these uncertain times, remember the proven RESILIENCE of humanity and our in-born power of FAITH. We hope this video touches your heart and your loved one...

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Mel Robbins
This One Brain Hack Backed By Science Will Change Your Life. Here's How. - YouTube Mel Robbins explains the science behind The 5 Second Rule, a form of metacognition that beats every trick your brain plays on you to cause hesitation, overwh...

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Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins: From CEO Whisperer to a Service-Based Empire | Tony Robbins Podcast - YouTube Have you ever wondered how Tony built a $6 billion business empire? Or how his biggest frustrations, and even failures, fueled his success? Business Insider’...

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Woman with terminal breast cancer proposes to her partner on leap day | Despite her uncertain future, Hollie McIntyre did not want to risk losing her partner Andrew Welsh.

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Motivating the Masses
How to Keep your Confidence Up When Working Toward Your Goals! | Motivating The Masses | Lisa Nichols Lisa Nichols shares her top four tips for maintaining confidence, conviction and focus as you are working toward reaching your big goals -- especially when it seems to be taking way too long for them to achieve them.

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Law of Attraction Coaching
Tyson Fury: What It All Means | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches - YouTube Tyson Fury: What It All Means | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches Speakers: TYSON FURY FULL INTERVIEW: https:/...

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Mel Robbins
The 3 biggest dream killers, and how to beat them - Mel Robbins This blog post is part of my FREE training for 2020 called Best Decade Ever. You can sign up here at any time by going to If you’re one of the thousands of people reaching out to me saying “Mel, I just can’t get started” or “I know what I should be doing, I …

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Mel Robbins
32 ways to jumpstart your dreams - Mel Robbins This blog post is part of my FREE training for 2020 called Best Decade Ever. You can sign up here at any time by going to Raise your hand if you get so overwhelmed by the thought of all the big things you want to do with your life that you can’t possibly figure …

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Best Motivational Article Ever – Mind of Steel Looking for some motivation? Well, you're in luck, because we've got the best motivation you've ever seen. It's generic, unoriginal, and all about you.

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Mulligan Brothers
Muhammad Ali Top 25 Motivational Quotes 1. It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.2. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accom

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ATL Black Star
Tyler Perry Gives $21,000 Tip to Group of Atlanta Restaurant Workers Tyler Perry stepped up in a major way to help a group of restaurant workers. Perry gave 42 servers at Houston's in Atlanta each a $500 tip, totaling

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Motivating the Masses
Why You Need To Accept Your Partner’s Differences | Motivating The Masses | Lisa Nichols This week, Lisa Nichols delivers some real talk about relationships and explains how your partner does not have to have the same goals and dreams as you or think and act like you in order to be a good match.

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Tony Robbins
What is your true gift in business? | Tony Robbins - YouTube We all get into business to win – but the key to winning in any business is to align with your true nature. Visit Tony Robbins' websites: https://www.tonyrob...

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Gary Vaynerchuk

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Motivating the Masses
Mistakes I Wish I Avoided Around Achieving my Goals | Motivating The Masses | Lisa Nichols Lisa Nichols shares the 4 biggest mistakes she wishes she would have avoided while striving to achieve her goals in hopes that you can avoid these same pitfalls and attain your success sooner rather than later.

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Gary Vaynerchuk

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Motivation Madness
Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH) - YouTube Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future. A must watch motivational speech! Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Thr...

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
How to Keep your Confidence Up When Working Toward Your Goals! | Motivating The Masses | Lisa Nichols Lisa Nichols shares her top four tips for maintaining confidence, conviction and focus as you are working toward reaching your big goals -- especially when it seems to be taking way too long for them to achieve them.

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop | Bittersweet Monthly An online magazine for the socially conscious reader featuring stories of serious good by creative writers, artists, photographers, and filmmakers.

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Tony Robbins
The art of the mindful apology When conflict arises, there’s a way to give – and receive – an apology

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Mulligan Brothers
PewDiePie - Motivational video - YouTube SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS - 100 Million Video

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Motivating the Masses
How to Manage Your Time | Motivating The Masses | Lisa Nichols Lisa Nichols shares the importance of time management and how it transformed her business and life. She shares her personal technique for time blocking.

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ChangeMakers: Andrew Gieselmann - transforming leaders the Sandler way Andrew Gieselmann is the founder and CEO of Capstone Sales Performance Inc., a Sandler Training Center. He is an executive coach and facilitator with over 20 years of sales success. Andrew's specific business development consulting and training experience includes a wide range of sales, management, and customer service topics designed to increase the productivity and efficiency of companies across a multitude of industries.

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Law of Attraction Coaching
Understand This And You will never be LAZY again | 2020 MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO - YouTube Understand This...& You will never be LAZY again | 2020 MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO Speakers: Mark zuckerberg, Mel robbins, Jocko willink, Mark Cuban Footage All Vide...

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Motivation Madness
SADHGURU: The Mindset Needed to Achieve Inner Happiness - YouTube Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Through The Week! Follow us on: Instagram:

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
HARD TIMES - Best Motivational Speech - YouTube Performed by Chris Lines Poems: The World Is Against Me Don't Quit How Did You Die Songs: Hostiles Soundtrack - Never Goodbye Interstellar Soundtrack - Where...

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Mel Robbins
The truth about why you doubt yourself - Mel Robbins **This blog post is part of my FREE training for 2020 called Best Decade Ever. You can sign up here at any time by going to** Now that you’re a few days into writing down your dreams in your #DreamBook for #BestDecadeEver, I bet more than once that little annoying voice in your head …

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
A Conversation with Project Hope Alliance | Bittersweet Monthly An online magazine for the socially conscious reader featuring stories of serious good by creative writers, artists, photographers, and filmmakers.

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Tony Robbins
2020 Business Owner Mindset Report: Hunger is Not Enough to Succeed We surveyed many American business owners to discover what it really means to succeed as an entrepreneur. Read and learn how to achieve success now.

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Motivation Madness
The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS - YouTube If you are struggling or having a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp!

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Brian Moran -Why 12 Week Year planning is better- - YouTube "We'll teach your team 'how to accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months' with a proven system! NYT Best-selling Author of 'The 12 Week Year', Co...

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
5 Questions to Consider When Drowning In Disappointment Disappointments are part and parcel of life. But if you don’t deal with it the right way, it can slowly consume you and derail your life.

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Mulligan Brothers
Surprisingly Idris Elba's most important thing in the world is...... Idris Elba is widely known for his impressive acting and award winning performances including "Best actor" at the Golden Globes for his lead role in the hit BB

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Motivation Madness
The HIDDEN TRUTH About Politics | Jordan Peterson - YouTube With the Trump Impeachment trial acquittal, Jordan Peterson gives his thoughts on the current status of politics in the United States. Discover some hidden t...

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Mulligan Brothers
From tragedy to success. The story of Inky Johnson. He was born in Kirkwood on the east side of Atlanta, a neighbourhood surrounded by crime, drugs and gang violence. Growing up in his grandmothers 2 b

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Law of Attraction Coaching
Bruce Lipton: LISTEN TO THIS EVERYDAY (Very Powerful Speech) - YouTube ►Copyright disclaimer: We own commercial licenses for all the content used in my channel. Bruce Lipton: LISTEN TO THIS EVERYDAY (Very Powerful Speech) ►Speak...

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Mulligan Brothers
Dwayne Johnson - The Wake Up Call | One Of Most Compelling Speeches! - YouTube Dwayne has been a great inspiration to me personally and his words have helped get me through some tough times, hopefully you all enjoy this video as much as...

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Mulligan Brothers
Joe Rogan's Top 25 Motivational Quotes 1. I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you.2. The key to happiness do

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Make Your Bed Change Your Life — Andrew Merle

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Motivation Madness
Listen To This and Change Yourself | Kobe Bryant (Eye Opening Speech) - YouTube Kobe Bryant shares powerful life advice that shaped how he became the best. Sacrifices were made so that he could achieve his dream. Absolute dedication to b...

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Top 30 Youngest Billionaires In The World Under 40 (2020) 2020's Top 30 youngest billionaires in the World under 40... 1. Kylie Jenner, age 23, net worth $1.0B... As the rich get richer, they also seem to be getting younger and younger.

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Law of Attraction Coaching
YOU OWE YOU - Best Motivational Video 2020 - YouTube YOU OWE YOU - Best Motivational Video 2020 Speakers: Les Brown , Eric Thomas, Tom Bilyeu Les Brown Youtube Channel:

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Cara | Bittersweet Monthly At Cara, the deep work is the first thing. Day one begins with a mirror, as participants learn to face themselves. In just four weeks, they'll be ready.

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Motivation Madness
The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | David Goggins - YouTube What does it take to be the TOUGHEST MAN ALIVE? Watch this video to find out! David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL, and accomplished ultra-endurance athlete....

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Law of Attraction Coaching
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF EVERYDAY - 2020 Motivational Video - YouTube DISCIPLINE YOURSELF EVERYDAY - 2020 Motivational Video Speakers: Les Brown, Inky Johnson Les Brown Youtube Channel:

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Joe Rogan's Secret to Success: Strategic Quitting | Goalcast Joe Rogan figured out which of his passions were worth pursuing by giving them all a shot-- and quitting the ones that didn't work.

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Mr. Know Your Worth
7 Men Reveal How They Knew They Felt An Emotional Connection With Someone One way to have a strong relationship with your partner is to build a deep emotional connection with them. Unlike things like physical attraction which you can't really control, dating and relationship coach, and host of the podcast "The Man…

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Motivating the Masses
These 3 Sentences Will Change Your Life | Lisa Nichols | Inspiring Women of Goalcast - YouTube Find Your Way Back speech - Lisa Nichols delivers a powerful speech on how she struggled with abuse and depression and what these experiences taught her, and...

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Mulligan Brothers
SELF IMPROVEMENT - Must Hear *important* Inspirational Speech - YouTube If you're struggling and want to speak with an online, professional, and affordable counsellor consider going to our partner Betterhelp - https://betterhelp....

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Law of Attraction Coaching
TAKE YOUR PLACE, MAKE YOUR MARK - Best Motivational Video - YouTube Speakers: Jocko willink, Ray Lewis, Les Brown Jocko Willink's Youtube Channel: Ray Lewis https://twi...

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JR Robinson
I Made Muffins Today! So none of us know how this Covid-19 thing is going to play out, but we are at home. The question for me became, am I stuck at home or will I make this the best time of my life. For me it's time to #BeAmazing. So I made Blue Berry Muffins from Scratch

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Mulligan Brothers
11 Minutes to Start Your Day Best! - MORNING MOTIVATION | Inspirational Video for HARD TIMES - YouTube If you're struggling and want to speak with an online, professional, and affordable counsellor consider going to our partner Betterhelp - https://betterhelp....

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Motivation Madness
THIS IS WHY ONLY 1% SUCCEED | Jordan Peterson - YouTube Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Through The Week! Follow us on: Instagram:

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Motivation Madness
Warren Buffet's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH) - YouTube If you are struggling or having a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp!

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Motivation Madness
Focus On Yourself And Not Others (One of the Best Speeches Ever) - YouTube Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Through The Week! Follow us on: Instagram:

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Tony Robbins
Meet Sophia, World's First AI Humanoid Robot | Tony Robbins - YouTube Sophia travels to Palm Beach, Florida, to meet with Tony Robbins during our Date With Destiny event — and Tony did not hold back on asking some tough questio...

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Law of Attraction Coaching
DISCIPLINE IS EVERYTHING - Best Motivational Video - YouTube ►Copyright disclaimer: We own commercial licenses for all the content used in my channel. DISCIPLINE IS EVERYTHING - New Motivational Video Music Sources: Re...

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
Coronavirus: LeBron says his fans are No. 1. Now, he's acting like it. Four days after saying ''I ain't playing'' if NBA games are moved behind closed doors, the league's biggest star puts focus on prudent course.

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The Eating Habits of the Longest-Lived People in the World — Andrew Merle “If you want to live to a healthy 100, eat like healthy people who’ve lived to 100.” — Dan Buettner, founder of Blue Zones Buettner has spent the last 15 years studying the healthiest and longest-lived people in the world. He’s traveled extensively to the blue zones of Ikaria, Greeca; Sardinia, It

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
The Game of Work - The 12 Week Year Ready for a pop quiz? I know you haven’t had time to study, but I’m confident that you’ll pass.  The good news is that there is only one question, here it is: “What would the average American say is more motivating and fun; Work or Sports?” The answer is obvious – the Super Bowl, Kentucky Derby, March Madness, the World Series and other sporting events draw millions of spectators each year.  How many people showed up last year to cheer on you at work? Have you ever wondered why sports are so motivating?  In fact, not only are they motivating to the players but also to spectators.  Can you imagine people – fans - coming to watch you work?  Paying for the privilege of seeing you in action.  One of the key reasons sports are stimulating is that in sports we keep score.

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Motivation Madness
Denzel Washington's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH) Motivational Speech 2019 - YouTube If you are struggling or having a hard time, consider taking an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp!

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Tony Robbins
How great leaders are created | Sneak Peek at Tony Robbins' Most Intimate Event Tony Robbins - YouTube There are two types of people – those that see what they want, and those that see what stands in the way of what they want. Which type of person are you? Thi...

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Law of Attraction Coaching
START YOUR DAY POSITIVELY! | DR. JOE DISPENZA (2020 motivational video) - YouTube START YOUR DAY POSITIVELY! | Dr. Joe Dispenza (2020 motivational video) ►Copyright disclaimer: We own commercial licenses for all the content used in my chan...

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Motivation Madness
The One Thing Only 1% of People Do | Jim Kwik - YouTube Subscribe for Motivational Videos Every Weekday, Helping You Get Through The Week! Follow us on: Instagram:

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The #FunCrew of JustMy!
The Five Elements of the The 5 Second Rule The Five Second Rule is a tool that dramatically changed my life. Here, I break down the 5 important elements of this Rule and show you how to use it.

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Mel Robbins
The Secret to Stopping Fear and Anxiety (That Actually Works) - YouTube Learn the secret to stopping fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'd tried tons of strategies to stop fear and none of them actually worked. I decided to creat...

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Story of A Lifetime - Inspirational Video - YouTube Listen on: Spotify: iTunes and Apple Music: "Tired does not mean defeated. Wandering is not lost. Vulnerabi...

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Gary Vaynerchuk

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Gary Vaynerchuk
2 Hours of Advice For Everyone in Hard Times | Tea with GaryVee - YouTube Gary has really been trying to help everyone the best he can and these 2-hour live session are one of the best ways he can help. Not only does he enjoy doing...

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New Memphis
Things I Learned at TEDx Memphis 2020-Memphis I got the opportunity to attend TEDx Memphis via the New Memphis Fellows Program and I can say I learned a couple things from some #BeAmazing people.

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Motivating the Masses
Be Perfect in Your Imperfection | Lisa Nichols | Inspiring Women of Goalcast - YouTube Lisa Nichols delivers a powerful motivational speech on how she found purpose by confronting her fear and failing at her job. ► Watch all our inspirational v...

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Motivation Madness
ESCAPE THE POOR MINDSET | Eye Opening Speech by Robert Kiyosaki - YouTube Download the Mindset App and start listening to inspirational talks like this one every day! iOS: Android:

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Tony Robbins
A TIMELY MESSAGE FROM TONY ROBBINS We are scared of being hurt, we are scared of the economy, we are scared of not being in control, and now we are even scared of each other. Read More Now.

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American Cancer Society - Tennessee
Father Ryan’s Relay For Life earns national Pat Flynn Spirit of Relay award When Father Ryan students staged their first Relay For Life in 2009, their dream was to raise a few thousand dollars for cancer research and build some community spirit.

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AJ Williamson
5 Reasons I’m Celebrating MLK Day with Mother Zion AME and Morehouse College Before I moved to New York City, I spent seven weeks selling photos of Dr. King taken by his last personal photographer, the late Dr. Ernest C. Withers.

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Duy Nguyen
Navy Hospital Corpsman Offers Lifesaving Gift to His Mother Tyler's mother needed a liver and her son never hesitated. He is a hospital corpsman in the Navy and was granted a leave of absence so he could return home and be her donor.

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Motivating the Masses
Why You Must Be Willing To Walk Alone To Achieve Your Dream | Lisa Nichols - YouTube In our pursuit of our biggest goals and dreams, we may encounter people who will doubt us – some of whom may be the people closest to us. In this inspiring c...

JustMy Faith & Inspiration: Uplifting Stories and Messages of Hope

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